with Vision
I am honored to run as your Representative for Delaware’s 41st District. As a husband, father, advocate, veteran, and business leader, I have a vision for our District that encompasses responsible growth management, accessible and affordable child care, improved educational opportunities, leveraging renewable energy investments, and protecting our environment.
In my career as a senior business leader I have navigated the challenges and opportunities of fast growing companies. I have learned trust is key to success, a trust that extends to both business owners and the dedicated teams I led. Earning your trust is my priority to effectively represent your interests.
As a US Army veteran, I experienced how individuals from diverse backgrounds can live and work together - and respect each other. We used our diverse talents and experiences to achieve mutual goals. With the assistance of GI benefits I earned a college degree and bought my first home. I experienced firsthand how government programs can improve lives.
Events on the national level underscore the important role of our state and local governments. I have lobbied for responsible growth and environmental issues that must matter to our community. I have testified in Legislative Hall, Sussex County Council, Sussex Planning and Zoning Commission, town halls, and school board meetings. I have spoken at events supporting renewable energy, clean water and clean air. I am proud of my advocacy as I build trust with stakeholders. I will work together with these same stakeholders to make a difference.

My opponent has represented the 41st district for the past decade. In that time, our district has experienced increasingly unsafe traffic congestion, and worsening water quality. He has orchestrated opposition to clean energy solutions and the jobs that can be gained from embracing the renewable energy industry. My opponent defends the status-quo which allows the powerful and monied interests of our county to make the rules and dictate the terms of how we live our lives.
I am running to be your representative for the 41st District because I believe our community deserves passionate leadership with a vision that aligns with our priorities. I understand that my role as your representative means working consistently at achieving the results that make your lives better. I believe that government has an important role in protecting us from the powerful and monied interests that work against our desires for our community and our futures. Responsible growth, the struggles of working families, quality education, clean water, renewable energy, and creating economic diversity, are my priorities.
I am eager to hear what matters to you. Reach out, and let’s connect. Together, let’s find a path forward to achieve our shared goals.