Our Priorities

Traffic congestion is a daily frustration in our district. Yet Sussex County Council continues to approve new developments without a plan to address an issue that gets worse by the day. Disregard for infrastructure planning impacts more than clogged roads. It also results in underfunded schools, inadequate medical care, a shortage of affordable housing, and polluted bays and waterways. Without a sustainable growth plan the interests of the powerful will continue to harm the safety, character, and health of our region. There is an urgent need for regional planning between the state and the county to ensure that infrastructure keeps pace with growth. I have worked with various local organizations and have spoken at many Sussex County Council meetings to fight against irresponsible development. As your representative, I will continue to advocate for sustainable growth plans and government accountability. Together, let's work for a future where our infrastructure supports our community without sacrificing our environment or the well-being of our residents.
As a business leader in an industry where women were the majority of the work force, I understand the struggles women face balancing work, family, and economic security. Affordable and accessible childcare is a game-changer for women. In addition to the cost, too many women are unable to join the workforce full time or advance professionally because of unconventional work hours or the need to return to school for more training. I applaud Delaware’s legislation that created paid family leave and will work to ensure it is implemented. Paid leave helps families maintain financial stability during the first year of parenthood, or a difficult medical diagnosis, or when an ailing family member requires caregiving. It also benefits employers who want to attract and retain top-quality personnel. With the recent decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, it has never been more important for state governments to protect a woman’s reproductive rights. In 2017 our General Assembly passed legislation that made a woman’s right to choose a constitutional right in Delaware. My opponent voted against this legislation. As a legislator I will always vote for a woman’s right to decide her reproductive health care.

Every student deserves a quality education. Every community needs strong schools. Good paying, year-round jobs depend on affordable and accessible preschools, highly rated school districts, and programs for a job-ready workforce. Children who go to effective Pre-K programs develop the skills that set them up to succeed in elementary school. Here in Sussex County, we do not have enough Child Care and Pre School programs. There are long wait lists and high costs. This not only affects students’ success, but it also results in workplace shortages and slower economic growth. World class schools will attract and retain medical and other professionals. We all have faced difficulty in making medical and dental appointments. Professionals have a wide choice as to where to relocate. We need to make Sussex County a top choice. Expansion of high school apprenticeship/trade programs and technical/ career programs at Del Tech will prepare our young people for jobs here in Sussex County while supporting the state's economic development efforts. It is time to expand the state’s early childhood infrastructure, to fund our public schools so that every student has the opportunity to succeed, and to support post high school technical and training programs.
Sussex County is uniquely positioned to reap benefits from renewable energy investments. Our coastline and open spaces provide a prime opportunity for creating a vibrant, diverse economy. The manufacture, installation, and selling of clean energy products can generate great paying jobs and careers, allowing our children and grandchildren to build their careers right here. The Bipartisan Infrastructure and Investment Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and private industry each offer massive investments in new renewable energy industries. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that we must seize. Our current representative has hosted several town halls arguing against the need to transition away from fossil fuel dependence. He has opposed renewable energy solutions without offering any alternatives. I believe the preponderance of science-based evidence and the vast majority of climate scientists that the time to act on climate change is past due. Every obstacle to growing renewable energy sources threatens the quality of life of our children, grandchildren and subsequent generations. It is a moral decision to take actions now that allows those that come after to live healthy lives. Let’s embrace this transformative moment together. By supporting clean energy initiatives, we secure a cleaner environment and pave the way for innovation and economic growth for our region that cannot otherwise be achieved.